Archive for the ‘language’ Tag

misconception about the language

Before go on, you should better read earlier article ‘One year old or two years old baby can talk??‘ @ July 14, 2014


Koreans poor skills of English (because they spent so much time-something like ten to twenty years or even forty years-for learn English language and they can’t communicate with English at all) came from misconception about the language.

Of course, there have so many other factors which I am not reveal here–but if you understand Korean, you can read it from my Korean blogs like this one.


Some people (probably mother who has a child.. Actually almost all the Koreans) believe that one year old baby can talk so they think they can communicate through talk.

So if they can memorized the word(vocabulary) as many as possible, and then they think they can speak like English native.

I wrote so many things about how to learn English properly. But I can’t help them. Because I can’t change other people’s mind.


One year old or two years old baby can talk??

Someone was asked about “How many words can your 1 year old say?” at Circle of Moms website.

And Circle of Moms website user ‘Mariane’ answered:

In general, increase in expressive vocabulary usually occur between 15 to 20 months.



By 18 months, you can expect him to be able to say up to 20 words. Not all babies, however, …

Quote from’s article ‘When Should My Baby Start Talking?



Below’s quote from article ‘Delayed Speech or Language Development’ at KidsHealth from Nemours website

Your son is 2 years old and still isn’t talking. He says a few words, but compared with his peers you think he’s way behind.

It’s too long so I will skip the part. If you are interested, you can read whole article from below the link.

The Difference Between Speech and Language

Speech and language are often confused, but there is a distinction between the two: ….




So one or two years old baby really can talk or actually he or she is babbling about something?


Language problem in Google Inc.

Recruit title is “..Veteran Intern – Seoul”. How many university years do they have? What? 10 years to graduate?